Sunday, November 29, 2009





Lolol sorry for the past 2 days if I haven't been myself.
Don't know why I caught the emonemobug, but I'm fine now.

Just had a family chalet over the long weekend and I was really hoping that I could recharge myself from this break but in the end I fell sick instead -_- hahaha, goodness.
Been a long time since I spend time with my relatives, I remember last time all of us will meet up almost every weekend for gatherings. They still do now but I can't join them as often due to trainings and work.

That's why I'm in such a dilemma considering if I should continue paddling next year ARGHH!
I realised there's more things in life and I've been really selfish for this past 3 years.

That aside,
my brother, Derek and I accompanied Alvin to GAINT to shop for our BBQ on day 2.
LMAO it's the first time I actually shop for so much groceries, like about 3 trolleys full?!
I had fun honestly, shopping for food together with my cousins and brother is all I want to ask for in life :) Although the last night was kinda screwed up because of the dumb fever and flu. I still ENJOYED MYSELF! ALOT! Ciao peeps.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm proud to be in this team

Sorry if you think that this post is emotional or gay I don't really care.
I really want to let it all out and partly because I'm listening to friends forever, the song we sang together under the bridge for our very first set yesterday.

Other people often question or even mock at us.
Why the hell are we putting so much effort in a sport for? Why are you sacrificing so much? Are you crazy, why do you wake up so early during weekends?
And a few of us even went to the extreme and put too much priorities on the sport so much so that they neglect their studies.

But we should never blame these people who question us,
because none of them can feel what we experienced, the adrenaline rush when you're racing down seat by seat chasing other boats who are ahead. After late night training you still drag yourself to school the very next day. The hell day when the captains try their level best to break that big ego you brought in when you first join the team. Never can they feel all of this.

And the most memorable one I had so far, the part when we said glory is FOREVER.
I teared at the word "forever" there's nothing to be shy about. Because this is the first time I can hear from everyone's voice how much they really want it. I can tell from how tightly you guys gripped each other and that fire burning in each of your eyes.

I'm sorry that this year's Regatta have to end this way. But I've totally no regrets.
I told some of you this, we might lose the medals but we gained something much more valuable.
A simple and pure word, Bond or some of you may call it friendship.

I finally feel the pain of being a year 4.
That is I have to see people from my very first batch leave in front of my eyes yet I can't do anything about it.
If there's anything I can keep, I want time to stay after the debrief when we're all happily throwing the year threes high up in the air. I will never forget everyone of them.

I know most of you will be lost after today's race although we know our next goal is POLITE.
But from today till then it's going to be a long and tough journey. Let's try to keep as close to our promise as possible and train as hard as we can without complains.

Lastly I want to thank the people who came down who support us.
Good to see people like andreuw, nich, firdaus, kia, louis lee, faris, ky and alvin.

This year my regatta ended in a loop, I ran with nich on the side supporting RP all the way till the finishing buoy like how I did during my year 1 days. I remember that time I was running with my camera snapping pictures.
Good times good times.

I'm proud to be in this team.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Let the poets cry themselves to sleep

When the telephone was a tin can on a string
And I fell asleep with you still talking to me
You said you weren't afraid to die

The end of paralysis, I was a statuette
Now I'm drunk as hell on a piano bench
And when I press the keys it all gets reversed
The sound of loneliness makes me happier

And I never thought this life was possible
You're the yellow bird that I've been waiting for


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pee pee pee




Finally met up with my relatives after so many weeks of trainings
and I'm so happy to see everyone there including Kevin.

Grrrrr and recently for the past 2 weeks my grades are dropping!
Must get back all my A's.
So many stuffs coming up,
Regatta, Batam trip and the one I'm looking forward to, a family chalet in 2 weeks time!! Woohoo :)

And to the guys teammmmmmmmmmm,
I thank all of youuuuuuuuuuuuu veryvery much
for making the UOB night such a memorable one. Although the laopasat satays abit not worth it la. But still I really appreciate and enjoyed every second of it.

Once again from the bottom of my heart, "thank you!"
6 more days guys 6 more days.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine as children do.

It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone..

And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

Yet another classic word beauty