Saturday, October 31, 2009

By your side

I had breakfast with my dad before training today.
I can't remember what we were talking about and he said this
"Louis, I think that you're very inferior."

Can't help but to agree..

I realise all these while whenever I'm put in a tough situation,
I always have zero confidence in myself.
I barely trust myself but instead allow all my negative thoughts to influence me.
I always doubt myself.

thinking too much is not good at all afterall..
please don't fight these hands that are holding you,
my hands are holding you.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Life is so short you know

I was on the train today and I observed this particular fella for quite some time.
He got his earphones plugged in, eyes shut and he was leaning against the glass panel.
From his expression, I can clearly tell that
he is either in deep thoughts or he is praying for something.

Then I closed my eyes and I prayed too.
I pray to no god, I prayed:
"To whoever he is praying too, please let his wish come through"

Because he looks so sincere.

Only 27 days more and everything will be over.
I really really really hope I won't get boot out during this period.
I wanna fight together with my niggas.

Alrighty till then fellas, goodnight.

and i hope you find a perfect place
where skies are are beautiful all of the time,
it's all that matters pretty pretty.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I'm a loser!

You'll always hear people telling you if you set a goal and work hard for it,
you'll definitely get what you want. But I don't think its true at all.

Sometime some stuffs are seriously beyond your capability.
No matter how hard you try, you just won't get it. There will always be problems that pop out along the way to bring you down. When I mean always, it always happen.

That's my life,


Not trying to be pessimistic but realistic instead.
Words of wisdom oh words of wisdom.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Take this sinking boat and point it home.
I still got time.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

So much more awake *SLAPS*

"I finally have this moment of clarity.
We can't choose our memories, the best ones just happen.
So what's the point of trying to create that perfect moment,
when the perfect moment is right now?"

From Bart got a room. :)

Been a long long time since I did a proper post.
Gotta say I really love blogspot! It's god-dam organise and plus it's very user friendly.
And also guys who pen down their thoughts ain't gay hor! ahaha!

So far life is good! Despite some minor setbacks it ain't ganna bring me down! (I hope).
Had a farewell party for our ex-seniors at St James not long ago, what a night! :P


Omg the new semester's ganna start soon.
Really must treasure this last semester with my Year 3 mates
before all of us get split up by NS.
After this semester we won't know whether our paths will ever meet again sia, better treasure!
But then again I got 1 more year to go la, AHAHAH I must stop losing things, CIAO!