Thursday, May 6, 2010

Weather is being an ass nowadays

You know actually blogs aren't the best form of medium to pen your thoughts.
That's a reason why a diary or a private blog is a must have :D hehheh.

Of cause like everyone else I caught both Iron Man and Ip Man 2.
And it's comfirmed, please don't argue :P IPMAN 2 is definitely way better!
(I like how modest Donnie Yen potrayed Ip Man in the film)

and yeah life is good when you have goals.
till then people.

before that,
I have a question for everyone.

If you have a another chance to relive your life again,

and you are only given only an opportunity to change one thing or event.
What would you change?

Gusti said: alot of things dood, alot of things.


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