Monday, May 24, 2010

"Mister, when I see my first Lady Angel, if God ever sees fit to show me one,
it'll be her wings and not her face that'll make my mouth fall open.

I've already seen the prettiest face that ever could be."

Cat's Cradle

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

That Girl

so go about your business
cos life aint your mistress

someday you'll understand why life never kissed ya


Friday, May 14, 2010


I really really miss my Camera,
Regret selling it away ;'-(

It started off as a random idea 3 years ago.
I saw like a couple of bulky cameras for sale in shop at Causeway
then god-knows why I decided to save up everyday and even had to beg the last $400 from my parents anddddd woah-lah, I finally got my first DSLR!

You know it's true that when you save up for something yourself,
you'll tend to treasure that item more.

I guess I have to be very determine from now onwards,
*Save up for my 7D and a freaking-long-over-due car license.*

And lately this thing has been on my mind for awhile now.
Why the fuck am I so shy?!
Why.. why.. why..

18 more days to braces!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Weather is being an ass nowadays

You know actually blogs aren't the best form of medium to pen your thoughts.
That's a reason why a diary or a private blog is a must have :D hehheh.

Of cause like everyone else I caught both Iron Man and Ip Man 2.
And it's comfirmed, please don't argue :P IPMAN 2 is definitely way better!
(I like how modest Donnie Yen potrayed Ip Man in the film)

and yeah life is good when you have goals.
till then people.

before that,
I have a question for everyone.

If you have a another chance to relive your life again,

and you are only given only an opportunity to change one thing or event.
What would you change?

Gusti said: alot of things dood, alot of things.